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Frequently asked questions

How can we help you?

Whats the money back guarantee?
We only want happy customers, if your not happy with the quality of the service we don't want your money. Just send us an email to let us know what went wrong and we will refund the cost of your months subscription in full.
How can I get help?
We respond quickly to email. Our friendly staff will help you to troubleshoot any issues you come across.
Will it work with credit card statements?
Yes. The algorithms are designed to work for all types of statements.
Will it work with scanned statements?
No, we don't currently support scanned documents.
Will it work for my bank?
Our algorithm's have been tested against 500+ different bank statement formats. If your statement does not process correctly our systems will automatically notify us and our quality assurance team will manually process any statements that processed incorrectly, our engineering team will update the system to ensure those statement types work correctly in the future.
What happens when transactions span multiple lines?
We reconstruct the transaction information into a single line where possible. Currently this works for when the row has text aligned to the top or bottom of the row, merging centre aligned text is on the roadmap.
My statement doesn't have the date on each transaction, will it work?
Some statement only display the date on the first transaction for the day, we automatically add any missing dates.